By Teppie Chartomatsidis
You may be going through a tough period in your own life now and feel so close to giving up on your dreams- but I urge you to hold on! The truth is that if we look back at history we can see that so many individuals that pursued anything dear to their hearts had to go through periods of hell and opposition before realizing their dream.
I want to give up
So many times in this world people with great dreams are greeted with disapproval from others around them ranging from skepticism, mockery to hate. Unfortunately so many people give up on their dreams because they’re afraid to go through such opposition.
You have to be prepared for opposition from others
The fact is that most humans are motivated by pleasure and the desire to avoid pain whenever possible. But if you want to step out and do anything amazing in life then you have to be prepared to go through a certain amount of uncomfortable, even painful times.
When we first decided to establish Dream Believe and Manifest I met with a lot of skepticism, mockery and opposition from others. Fortunately with my faith in God I held on despite all the negativities that were going on around me and I soon realized my dream! If I had listened to the negative comments of others I would never have dared to step out to follow my dream.
Acquire the courage to believe
To persevere in anything exceptional you need inner strength and an unshakable belief in your dreams. Even though it seems like everything is against you, you have to keep believing in your ability to get your dream.
The truth is that your desire is proof that you can achieve that very thing that you’re dreaming of. Amidst all the opposition and all the obstacles keep your desires in your heart burning. Remember, God has provided you with everything you need to achieve to reach your highest potential. So keep your faith no matter what’s against you.
Don’t make authority figures out of negative people. Don’t give negative people too much importance. Don’t be afraid of the sniggers, the judgments and opinions of others. When you want to succeed you have to have the courage to face the mockery, taunts, disapproval and opposition of others to get to your dream. You have got to get thick skinned!
Do what you have to do even though you fear. There is no quitting. Even if all hell breaks out against you, in spite of your fear do what you have to do. Don’t let your fear make you give up on your dream-hold onto it whatever the cost. Stand in the fear- watch it go around you and dissipate gradually. If you stand through the fear and do what you have to do you will soon possess your dream.
Keep on working on your dream
It’s vital to discover what is right for you and put your plans into action. This means that you must follow through with your plans and accept and endure whatever consequences and opposition occurs. If you have self determination and try hard, no one, no matter how strong they are can keep you from manifesting your true destiny. Keep on fighting for your dreams -all good things come to those who strive!
Dream Believe and is a Christian personal development resource that offers self development enthusiasts access to a variety of information including articles, videos, personal development products and coaching. Dream Believe and covers everything from understanding yourself and others to spirituality, health, relationships and success. Follow us on our interesting and unique blog and become our friends on Twitter and Facebook. Dream Believe and Manifest – Your resource for personal development!
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